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Sprinklr Data Processing Agreement

setembre 1st, 2022

As businesses of all sizes continue to embrace digital marketing, there has been an increased focus on data protection and privacy. The Sprinklr data processing agreement is one such tool that is meant to protect users` information and ensure compliance with regulations.

In this article, we`ll discuss what a data processing agreement is, what the Sprinklr data processing agreement entails, and why it is important for businesses to understand and comply with this agreement.

What Is a Data Processing Agreement?

A data processing agreement (DPA) is a legal contract between a data controller (a company that controls personal data) and a data processor (a third-party provider that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller). The agreement outlines the responsibilities of both parties and ensures that the processor adheres to data protection regulations.

The DPA defines the data processor`s obligations, including how they are to handle personal data, how they can use the data, and how long they can keep it. The agreement also governs the processing of personal data, including how it is collected, used, stored, and shared.

What is the Sprinklr Data Processing Agreement?

Sprinklr is an enterprise-level social media management platform that helps companies manage their social media accounts, engage with customers, and monitor their online reputation. As a processor of personal data, Sprinklr has a responsibility to ensure that it complies with data protection regulations.

The Sprinklr data processing agreement outlines the company`s obligations to protect data and ensure its compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant data protection regulations.

According to the agreement, Sprinklr will process personal data only in accordance with the client`s lawful instructions, and will take appropriate measures to ensure the security of the data. Sprinklr also commits to adhere to data protection principles, including transparency, accountability, and confidentiality.

Why Is The Sprinklr Data Processing Agreement Important?

Data protection regulations are becoming increasingly strict, and businesses can face severe penalties for non-compliance. By signing the Sprinklr data processing agreement, businesses can ensure that they are working with a processor that is committed to protecting their data and complying with regulations.

The agreement also helps to promote transparency and accountability in how personal data is handled, which can foster trust between customers and businesses.

In conclusion, the Sprinklr data processing agreement outlines the company`s responsibilities in processing personal data and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. As businesses increasingly rely on third-party providers to process personal data, understanding and complying with these agreements is crucial to protect users` information and avoid potential penalties.

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